Every year, over 250,000
international students choose to
study in Germany. That is more
than 10% of the entire student
population attending German
Universities. Germany is the hub
of Automobiles companies
-BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-
Benz, Audi and Porsche and so is
the dream destination for
Mechanical & Automobile
There are three main types of
higher education institutions to
choose from in Germany:
universities, universities of
a p p l i e d s c i e n c e s
( F a c h h o c h s c h u l e n ) a n d
specialized universities.
- Universities mainly focus on
research and are the
t r a d i t i o n a l G e r m a n
education institution. Many
of them are technical
universities or colleges of
- Universities of applied
s c i e n c e s a r e m o r e
practically oriented and are
c o n n e c t e d t o m a j o r
German companies.
- Specialized universities
concentrate on specific
subjects such as arts,
music, film, theatre, etc.
Top Institutions
1. RWTH Aachen University
2. TU Munich
3. Technical University
4. Ludwig-Maximilians-
University (LMU) Munich
5. Humboldt University
Study Expense
Higher Education is free in most
of the German University,
though a semester fee of 150 to
250€ is usually required. Living
cost varies from 500-600 Euro
per month.