German B1 Level : Intermediate

  • Offline Batch Size
    20-40 Students
  • 127
    Students Enrolled
  • 4.40
    Reviews (31)
  • 130 Hours
    Learning Hours

About This Course

German Language has taken immense importance in contemporary business. It should be learnt properly so that with knowledge and practical skills you can use it as a tool in your Job or Business. Be it MNC, Translation services, Guiding, Teaching, Higher studies or just a trip to Europe. It will help you well.

Course’s Objectives

What you'll learn
  • After this B1 course you will know all B1 German Grammar.
  • Learn different indications of time for the future - Zeitangaben - Zukunft
  • Causal conjunctional adverbs - Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien
  • Article word "Welch-" - Artikelwort "Welch-"
  • As if - als ob
  • conjunctions - Konjunktionen
  • Pronoun - Pronomen
  • Adjective ending -bar - Adjektivendung -bar
  • Learn the difference between "von" and "aus"
  • Impersonal expressions - Unpersönliche Ausdrücke
  • Genitive - Genitiv
  • Demonstrative pronoun in the genitive - Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv
  • adjective declension - Adjektivdeklination
  • Modal verbs and their different meanings
  • German Perfect tense - Perfekt
  • Indirect questions - Indirekte Fragen
  • Infinitive clauses - Infinitivsätze
  • ast tense - Präteritum
  • The German word "werden" as an indication of change - Veränderung
  • Unreal wishes - Konjunktiv II - irreale Wünsche
  • Modal verbs - Konjunktiv II - Modalverben
  • Verbs with infinitive - Verben mit Infinitiv
  • Prepositional adverbs - Präpositionaladverbien
  • relative pronouns - Relativpronomen
  • Process passive - Vorgangspassiv
  • Passive without a subject - Passiv ohne Subjekt
  • Passive in past tense - Passiv im Präteritum
  • Adjectives as nouns - Adjektive als Nomen
  • Multipart conjunctions - Mehrteilige Konjunktionen
  • Participle II as a noun - Partizip II als Substantiv
  • Learn about the German educational system
  • Learn about German Culture (Food, Places, Virtues)
  • German Tongue Twisters
  • German Mnemonics
  • Dictations
  • Final exam

You should have passed the A1 and A2 levels in order to participate in this course.

Course Description

The German Language B1-Intermediate German course is designed for individuals who have already acquired a solid foundation in the German language and are eager to advance to the next level. This course aims to strengthen students' linguistic skills and cultural understanding, enabling them to engage in more complex conversations and navigate a wider range of real-life situations. Through a combination of interactive lessons, practical exercises, and authentic materials, students will enhance their reading, writing, listening, and speaking abilities in German.

Throughout this course, students will deepen their knowledge of German grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures. They will expand their repertoire of expressions, idiomatic phrases, and colloquialisms, allowing them to communicate more naturally and effectively. The course will focus on advanced grammatical concepts, such as subordinate clauses, complex tenses, and modal verbs, providing students with the tools to express themselves with greater accuracy and fluency. Regular practice exercises and interactive activities will consolidate their understanding and application of these concepts.

In addition to language proficiency, the German Language B1-Intermediate German course will also explore the rich cultural heritage of German-speaking countries. Students will delve into various aspects of German culture, including literature, music, art, and current affairs. Through the analysis of authentic texts, discussions, and multimedia resources, students will gain a deeper understanding of the cultural nuances and customs of German-speaking societies. This cultural immersion will enhance their language skills and enable them to engage with native speakers in a more meaningful and culturally sensitive manner.

In conclusion, the German Language B1-Intermediate German course offers a comprehensive and immersive learning experience for individuals seeking to advance their proficiency in the German language. By the end of the course, students will have strengthened their linguistic abilities, expanded their vocabulary, and gained insights into the diverse German-speaking cultures. This course equips learners with the necessary tools to communicate fluently and confidently in German, preparing them for further studies or for navigating various professional and personal environments where German is spoken.

Who This Course Is For:
  • This course is for everyone who would like to improve his/her German skills and become intermediate in German.

Course Content

• Level Beginner • 42 Classes • 130 Hours

Unit 1 - Willkommen in B1

3 lectures, 09:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 1. 1 die Kursteilnehmer und - teilnehmerinnen kennen 03:00:00
Lecture 1. 2 über Dinge sprechen, die Menschen verbindet 03:00:00
Lecture 1. 3 Ihre Sprachbiografie vorstellen 03:00:00
Unit 2 - Zeitpunkte

4 lectures, 12:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 2. 1 über Zeit und Zeitgefühl sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 2. 2 Informationen kommentieren 03:00:00
Lecture 2. 3 über deutschen Geschichte sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 2. 4 Wörter im Kontext erschließen 03:00:00
Unit 3 - Alltag

4 lectures, 12:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 3. 1 über Alltagsprobleme / das eigene Befinden sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 3. 2 Ratschläge geben 03:00:00
Lecture 3. 3 etwas begründen 03:00:00
Lecture 3. 4 Informationen aus einem Magazinbeitrag suchen 03:00:00
Unit 4 - Männer - Frauen - Paare

4 lectures, 12:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 4. 1 über Männer, Frauen und klischees sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 4. 2 Ihre Meinung sagan, zustimmen und widersprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 4. 3 über Beziehungen und Probleme sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 4. 4 das 4- Ohren - Modell der Kommunikation verstehen 03:00:00
Unit 5 - Arbeit im Wandel

4 lectures, 12:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 5. 1 die Geschichte einer Region Kennenlernen 03:00:00
Lecture 5. 2 mit einem Informationstext arbeiten 03:00:00
Lecture 5. 3 über Arbeitsunfälle sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 5. 4 einem Unfallbericht schreiben 03:00:00
Unit 6 - Schule und lernen

3 lectures, 09:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 6. 1 über Schule und Berufe in der Schule sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 6. 2 das deutsche Schulsystem kennen und darüber sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 6. 3 über Wünsche oder etwas Irreales sprechen 03:00:00
Unit 7 - Station 1
Unit 8 - Klima und Umwelt

4 lectures, 12:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 8. 1 über Wetter und Klima sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 8. 2 Umwelt und Umweltprobleme beschreiben 03:00:00
Lecture 8. 3 lange Texte verstehen 03:00:00
Lecture 8. 4 Aussagen und Prognosen machen 03:00:00
Unit 9 - Das ist mir aber peinlich!

4 lectures, 13:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 9. 1 über Verhaltensregeln sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 9. 2 sich für ein Missgeschick entschuldigen 04:00:00
Lecture 9. 3 eine Situation kommentieren 03:00:00
Lecture 9. 4 über Vergangenes berichten 03:00:00
Unit 10 - Generationen

4 lectures, 13:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 10. 1 über Lebensabschnitte sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 10. 2 über einen literarischen Text sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 10. 3 über Probleme diskutieren 04:00:00
Lecture 10. 4 über Wünsche, Ängste und Träume sprechen 03:00:00
Unit 11 - Migration

4 lectures, 13:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 11. 1 über Migration und Migrationsgründe sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 11. 2 über Probleme, Ängste und Hoffnungen sprechen 04:00:00
Lecture 11. 3 eine Geschichte zu Ende schreiben 03:00:00
Lecture 11. 4 über Fremdheit berichten 03:00:00
Unit 12 - Europa

4 lectures, 13:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 12. 1 über Europa und Politik sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 12. 2 Europäische Institutionen Kennenlernen und beschreiben 04:00:00
Lecture 12. 3 über Vor und Nachteile sprechen 03:00:00
Lecture 12. 4 etwas forden und kommentieren 03:00:00
Unit 13 - Station 2
Unit 14 - Anhang

The B1 level in the German language is considered the intermediate level, where learners expand their knowledge and skills beyond basic communication and engage in more complex language tasks.

At the B1 level, you will learn to express yourself more fluently and accurately in various real-life situations. You will deepen your understanding of grammar, expand your vocabulary, and be able to participate in discussions and conversations on a wider range of topics.

The time required to reach the B1 level in German can vary depending on various factors such as prior language learning experience and study consistency. Generally, it takes around 200-350 hours of study to complete the B1 level.

Yes, there are online platforms and language learning websites that offer B1 German courses. These courses provide comprehensive lessons, practice exercises, and opportunities for interaction with instructors and fellow learners.

At the B1 level, you will further develop your listening comprehension, speaking fluency, reading comprehension, and writing skills. You will be able to engage in discussions, understand more complex texts, and express your opinions and ideas in a coherent manner.

While the B1 level is not typically sufficient for academic studies conducted entirely in German, it can serve as a foundation for further language learning and preparation for higher proficiency levels required for academic purposes.

Some common topics covered at the B1 level include education, work and career, current events, cultural aspects, health, and personal experiences. These topics allow learners to engage in more in-depth conversations and discussions.

Yes, the Goethe-Institut offers the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 as an internationally recognized certificate that confirms your competence at the B1 level in German.

To practice your German skills at the B1 level, you can engage in authentic German materials such as books, articles, and podcasts. Watching movies, TV shows, and news programs in German, as well as participating in language exchange programs or conversation groups, can also be beneficial.

After completing the B1 level, you can progress to the B2 level, which is the upper-intermediate level. At the B2 level, you will refine your language skills, comprehend more complex texts, engage in extended discussions, and work towards achieving a higher level of fluency and accuracy in German.

Average Rating


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Some of real students reviews, verify on our Google place page. Search ELS German Institute Reviews.

  1. Digital Ideas May 17 2023

    E language studio is superb for foreign language and devkaran sir is such a helpfull must visit once..*

  2. Bhojraj Solanki May 25 2023

    Onse you visit e language studio then you find best opinion. Best German studio in lalkothi also in jaipur.

  3. Parag Jain May 29 2023

    This an amazing place to learn german language . I am from Nagaland and as i am studying here , this the best place in jaipur !! I M planning to go germany for my graduation and i have got alot of information not only about german language but also german lifestyle and various things which are really essential to know.

  4. Lakshya Khandelwal Jun 09 2023

    I am studying B1 right now and learning german language since 8 months. ELS has prooved its efficiency in teaching german. Teachers here are very experienced and teach acoording to the student needs( timings, suitable conversion language, beliefs, and further use of german in life). The classroom are well equiped with all essentials( t.v., projector, A.C.etc.) The fee comparision is muchow here than others.Overall I believe that ELS is best institute to learn german in Jaipur. #ELS #GERMAN.

  5. manish rao May 25 2023

    E Language Studio : The Language course is well organised and taught very professionally. The Course content is very good. Classes are very interactive and doubts are cleared immediately. Our course instructor Mr Devkiran Saini is very humble person, and his teaching reflects the in-depth knowledge he has in German language. Apart from the course content and excellent teaching method, the best part is E Language Studio App, very helpful for students to access course material and track the progress of each level. Glad to be a part of E Language Studio. Looking forward to continue A2 and B1 Level.

  6. Nikhil Santhakumar May 27 2023

    Mr.Devkaran Saini is no doubt one of the best German language teacher. His methods and techniques is the best when it comes to learning a complicated language like German. Before joining his class I had gone through a lot of videos on YouTube to learn the language. I found his teaching methods better than native German lecturers. He just truly simplifies the entire learning process and gives you examples that you remember permanently. Even the equipments and tool he uses is state of the art and Modern. Overall my experience has been beyond expectations.

  7. Arjun Reddy May 22 2023

    This language institute exceeded my expectations in every way. The teachers are kind, patient, and skilled at helping students progress at their own pace. The materials are well-organized and accessible, and the institute provides plenty of opportunities for practice and application. Highly recommend!

  8. Priya Sharma Jun 16 2023

    This language institute is hands-down the best language school I've ever attended. The classes are engaging and interactive, and the teachers are incredibly supportive and patient. The curriculum is well-structured and designed to help students progress quickly. I couldn't be happier with my experience here!