Learn The German Grammar From A Native and Experienced German Teacher - Learn German Grammar For Advanced Beginners
You should have finished the A1 level already before starting this course
Take your German to the next level with an experienced native German teacher!
If you have started learning German and like to continue improving it, this course is perfect for you! Here you will learn all German grammar you need for the A2 level. You will find 29 videos about the German grammar and further videos about the German culture and important links to study German.
This course also includes two videos which will show and prepare you for the speaking and writing part of the official German A2 exam. There are also two vocabulary videos about the subjects “travelling” and “keyboard” included. In order to practice what you have learned in each lesson, you will find quizzes. There is also homework included after each chapter if you like to practice and improve your German further. You will also be able to download all presentations of every chapter as a PDF file if you like to print or safe it.
The covered grammatical subjects are:
- Adjektivdeklination - Akkusativ
- Dativ - Demonstrativpronomen
- Futur I - Genitiv
- indirekte Fragen - Komparativ
- Konditionalsätze - Konjunktiv II
- das Verb "lassen" - Modalverben im Präteritum
- n-Deklination - Possessivartikel
- Präpositionaladverb - Präteritum
- Pronomen - reflexive Verben
- Relativpronomen - Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ
- Subjunktionen - Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt
- Vorgangspassiv - Wechselpräpositionen
- Wortbildung - Zeitadverbien
- reisen - travelling
- Tastatur - keyboard (German names of keyboard keys and symbols)
- What are false friends in languages?
- Recommendations for great books to learn German
- Recommendations for great websites to learn German
- Recommendations for how to learn a language better
- Difference between hier – da – dort
- Difference between “kennen” and “wissen”
- Difference between “von” and “aus”
- Difference between “mögen“, “lieben“, “gern haben“, “lieb haben“ and “verliebt sein“
- Preparation for the writing part of the A2 German language exam
- Preparation for the speaking part of the A2 German language exam
- Interesting facts about the German culture (sights, food, culture)
- German Idioms
- Quizzes after most chapters
- Homework after most chapters
- All chapters are downloadable as a PDF
Why take this German course?
Learn from a native German teacher with 10+ years of experience in teaching. Thus, you will also learn the correct German pronunciation, without accent or dialect.
Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you like! Thus, have maximum flexibility!
Join 70,00+ happy students in 10+ countries who are already taking our courses!
You have a 90-day money-back guarantee! Thus, you have no risk and nothing to lose!
Safe money! Our courses are much more affordable than any traditional course!
Learn in a structured way with clear explanations! Each chapter and course builds on each other.
Why learn German?
Learning and speaking German gives you amazing benefits!
We need you! As of 2023, there are more than two million unfilled job vacancies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland! And this trend is rising. Especially in the fields of medicine, engineering in mechanical and vehicle construction, electrical engineering, IT and software development, programming, education, health care, and social work. It is made easier for skilled foreign workers to immigrate, but in most cases, the requirement is to speak German at least on the language level of B1.
Through the German language, you get access to world-class higher education! German schools and universities are basically free of charge for everyone! Germany is one of the world's most popular places to study for foreigners. Around 320,000 international students were enrolled in Germany in 2020.
Make more money by speaking German! Even if you don´t plan to live in a German-speaking country there are many international German companies that are looking for German speakers worldwide who earn more than their non-German-speaking colleagues. Some of the renowned German companies are BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Siemens, Allianz, Bosch, Deutsche Bank, and Villeroy & Boch.
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland belong to the countries with the highest standards of living. The German-speaking countries have diversity, affordability, thriving economies, art, creativity, business, technology, culture, and much more! The German economy is the strongest and biggest in Europe!
Learn German to challenge yourself, improve your brain development, and for your personal growth! Learning and speaking a new language also boosts your confidence! According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, learning a new language has a positive effect on the growth of brain cells. The study also found that people who learned a second language had improved cognition, including better memory and faster thinking skills. Furthermore, the researchers found that the benefits persisted even after the participants stopped learning the new language. The findings also suggest that learning a second language can help prevent age-related cognitive decline and can even have benefits for our overall intelligence.
With more than 100 million German speakers German is the most spoken language in the European Union! Thus, the chances are high that you can apply German even outside of the German-speaking countries also because Germans are the second most traveling nation worldwide and can be found everywhere!
If you already speak English it will be easier for you to learn German as both languages are Germanic languages. There are hundreds of so-called cognates which are words that are identical or very similar in English and German. Such as the words finger, hand, glass, and many many more!
Germany´s capital Berlin is one of the most popular cities for entrepreneurs worldwide! Virgin has recognized Berlin as one of the best startup hubs for entrepreneurs and job seekers. As one of the most international cities in Europe, Berlin is diverse, multicultural, and full of creative and ambitious talent. Berlin is also much more affordable than other hotspots like San Francisco.
German is the second most commonly used language in the Science community! Some of the greatest innovators were native German speakers such as Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Max Planck, Carl Gustav Jung, Gottlieb Daimler, Rudolf Diesel, Karl Benz, and many more! Also, some of the greatest composers and poets like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, and Hermann Hesse came from German-speaking countries! Get access to their original works in the German language!
• Level Beginner • 57 Classes • 115 Hours
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 1. 1 | Sachtexte verstehen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 1. 2 | über Brücken sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 1. 3 | Wiederholung : jmdn. vorstellen, Termine machen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 1. 4 | Landeskundequiz | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 2. 1 | über Sprechen und Migration sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 2. 2 | über die eigene Biografie sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 2. 3 | Städte und Länder vergleichen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 2. 4 | Gründe nennen | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 3. 1 | über die Familie sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 3. 2 | Fotos und Personen beschreiben | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 3. 3 | jemdn. beglückwünschen / jmdn. einladen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 3. 4 | die eigene Meinung ausdrücken | 02:00:00 |
5 lectures, 10:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 4. 1 | über eine Reise sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 4. 2 | Vermutungen äußern | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 4. 3 | Fahrpläne lesen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 4. 4 | eine Reise planen und buchen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 4. 5 | eine Zugfahrt organisieren | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 09:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 5. 1 | Berufsbilder | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 5. 2 | Wörter- Spiele - Training | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 5. 3 | Filmstation 1 | 03:00:00 |
Lecture 5. 4 | Magazin | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 6. 1 | über Hobbys und Interessen sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 6. 2 | positiv / negetiv oder überrascht aug etw. reagieren | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 6. 3 | Emotionen ausdrücken und verstehen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 6. 4 | über Vereine sprechen | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 7. 1 | über Medien sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 7. 2 | eine Grafik verstehen und auswerten | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 7. 3 | auf eine Reklamation reagieren | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 7. 4 | kurze Mitteilungen schreiben | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 8. 1 | Freizeit: sagen , worauf man Lust hat | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 8. 2 | eine Speisekarte lesen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 8. 3 | etwas im Restaurant bestellen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 8. 4 | über das Kennenlernen und über Kontakte sprechen | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 10. 1 | über das Stadt - und Landleben sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 10. 2 | Wohnungsanzeigen lesen und verstehen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 10. 3 | einen Umzug planen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 10. 4 | über Unfälle im Haushalt berichten | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 11. 1 | über Kulturelle Interessen sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 11. 2 | ein Programm für eine Stadtbesichtigung planen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 11. 3 | einen Theaterbesuch organisieren | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 11. 4 | über Vergangenes sprechen und schreiben | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 12. 1 | über Berufswünsche sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 12. 2 | Stellenanzeigen verstehen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 12. 3 | einen Lebenslaug schreiben | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 12. 4 | auf einen Anrufbeantworter sprechen | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 14. 1 | über Feste und Bräuche sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 14. 2 | über Geschenke sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 14. 3 | Feste und Feiern vergleichen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 14. 4 | über Berdingungen und Folgen sprechen | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 15. 1 | Emotionen ausdrücken und darauf reagieren | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 15. 2 | einen Film zusammenfassen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 15. 3 | über einen Film sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 15. 4 | Personen vorstellen | 02:00:00 |
4 lectures, 08:00:00 min
Lecture | Unit | Time (Minutes) |
Lecture 16. 1 | über Erfindungen und produkte sprechen | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 16. 2 | sagen , welche Dinge man oft braucht und wozu | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 16. 3 | mit einer Textgrafik arbeiten | 02:00:00 |
Lecture 16. 4 | Vorgänge beschreiben, ein Rezept erklären | 02:00:00 |
The A2 level in the German language is considered the elementary level, where learners expand upon their basic knowledge and skills acquired at the A1 level.
At the A2 level, you will learn to express yourself more confidently in various everyday situations. You will expand your vocabulary, learn more complex grammar structures, and be able to understand and participate in basic conversations.
The time required to reach the A2 level in German can vary depending on the learner's dedication and study schedule. However, it generally takes around 120-180 hours of study to complete the A2 level.
Yes, there are online platforms and language learning websites that offer A2 German courses. These courses often provide interactive lessons, practice exercises, and opportunities to interact with instructors and fellow learners.
At the A2 level, you will further develop your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in German. You will be able to engage in more detailed conversations, understand simple texts, and express yourself with improved accuracy.
Yes, the A2 level is generally sufficient for basic communication during travel in German-speaking countries. You will be able to handle common situations such as ordering food, asking for directions, and interacting with locals.
Some common topics covered at the A2 level include family and relationships, hobbies and interests, daily routines, describing people and places, making plans, and discussing past experiences.
Yes, the Goethe-Institut offers the Goethe-Zertifikat A2 as an internationally recognized certificate that confirms your competence at the A2 level in German.
You can practice your German skills by reading German books or newspapers, watching German films or TV shows, participating in language exchange programs or conversation groups, and utilizing online resources for interactive exercises and practice.
After completing the A2 level, you can progress to the B1 level, which is the intermediate level. At the B1 level, you will further enhance your language skills and be able to handle more complex conversations, understand more challenging texts, and express yourself in a wider range of topics.
Some of real students reviews, verify on our Google place page. Search ELS German Institute Reviews.
Pawan Singh May 19 2023
This is a great platform to learn German
Aditya Shaw Apr 26 2023
Best course till date
Knowledge Center Jun 12 2023
I think this is a best institute in jaipur for language learning. I am learning hear german. and Devkaran sir is my teacher, he is an excellent teacher of german.
Saurabh Singh Rathore Jun 05 2023
I am doing my A1 level in German language from els Institute. Best Institute to learn German language. All the teachers are experienced in this Institute. Awesome facilities and awesome study environment.
Vartika Jain Jun 08 2023
Learning experience here is beyond the expectations. Teachers here teach with so much fun making learning very easy and interesting.Very well equipped classrooms with hygiene which give best experience. Best Institute in Jaipur to learn Foreign Languages with no second thought. Very Thankful for making us learn so well.
Mudit Dhakar Jun 15 2023
The classes in E Language Studio is very good and informative. Especially Devkaran sir is an awesome teacher always clear our doubts and explain concepts in a very good way. His classes are very informative. He always makes class very interactive and fun loving. I recommend you this coaching if you want to learn German in a very fun loving way.