German B2 Level : Upper Intermediate

  • Offline Batch Size
    20-40 Students
  • 110
    Students Enrolled
  • 4.40
    Reviews (31)
  • 61 Hours
    Learning Hours

About This Course

Learn German Language From A Native & Experienced German Teacher - Learn German Grammar, Vocabulary, & More

Course’s Objectives

What you'll learn
  • In this course the participants learn German grammar on the B2 level.
  • You will learn advanced vocabulary.
  • Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen - nominalization of verbs with nouns
  • Modale Zusammenhänge - modal connectors
  • Nomen mit Präpositionen - nouns with prepositions
  • Deutsche Redewendungen - German idioms
  • Adversativsätze - adversative clauses
  • Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben - negation through prefixes and suffixes
  • Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz - tekamolo - middle field in main clauses
  • Indirekte Rede - indirect speech
  • als ob - as if
  • Zungenbrecher - tongue twisters - pronunciation exercises
  • Konzessive Zusammenhänge - concessional connectors
  • Zustandspassiv - stative passive
  • Zwischen- und Endprüfung - intermediate and final exam
  • Alternativen zum Passiv - alternatives to the passive voice
  • Lernblockaden - Learning blocks and how to solve them
  • Subjektlose Passivsätze - subjectless passive clauses
  • Feste Nomen-Präposition-Verbindungen - fixed noun-preposition connections
  • Kausale Zusammenhänge - causal connectors
  • Verweiswörter im Text - reference words in texts
  • Uneingeleitete wenn-Sätze - unintroduced if-clauses
  • Temporale Zusammenhänge - temporal connectors
  • Wortbildung -weise bei Adverbien - word formation - weise in adverbs
  • Verbverbindungen - verb connectors
  • Wunschsätze - optative sentences
  • Learn about German idioms – to sound more like a native German
  • You will learn German quotes
  • Learn about mnemonics and how they can help you to learn a language
  • Learn about cognates which are similar or identical words in German and English to learn German vocabulary faster
  • Learn about different German dialects (Berlin, Bavaria, East Germany etc.)
  • We will have a intermediate exam to check whether you master what you have learned up to this point in this German B2 course
  • In order to participate in the B2 course, it is recommendable to have completed the A1, A2, and B1 level first.
Course Description

Learn German from an experienced German teacher!

The course begins with an introduction to the easier part of B2 German grammar and goes step by step further into the subject. This course is taught exclusively in German (with English and German subtitles).

In addition to the 43 German grammar lessons, this course also contains videos about German idioms, tongue twisters (pronunciation), mnemonics, how to get rid of learning blocks, German quotations, dictations, related words, and exams.

There is also a question marathon in which you test whether you still have gaps from the previous language levels.

In general, this is a very interactive course where you will also learn advanced vocabulary for the B2 level. Attached to almost every chapter you will find PDF files with homework in order to practice further what you have just learned in the according chapter.


  • Become competent in B2 German grammar

  • Learn more about German culture through idioms and quotes

  • Receive valuable tips on how to learn German more efficiently

  • Learn the B2 German vocabulary

You will learn the following:


Futur II | Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen | Adjektive mit Präpositionen | Modale Zusammenhänge verbal & nominal | Nomen mit Präpositionen | Erweitertes Partizip I & II| dass Sätze | Adversativsätze | Zweiteilige Konnektoren| Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben | Partizip I als Nomen | Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz - tekamolo | Indirekte Rede | als ob | Konditionale Zusammenhänge | Fugenelement "s" bei Nomen | Konzessive Zusammenhänge nominal & verbal | Zustandspassiv | von und durch| Wortbildung - Vorsilben bei Nomen | Alternativen zum Passiv | Generalisierende Relativsätze | Feste Verbindungen von Nomen und Verben | Subjektlose Passivsätze | Konsekutive Zusammenhänge | Feste Nomen-Präposition-Verbindungen | Indefinitpronomen | Kausale Zusammenhänge | Verweiswörter im Text | Nachsilben bei Adjektiven | Uneingeleitete wenn-Sätze | Vergleichssätze | Temporale Zusammenhänge | Subjektive Bedeutung des Verbes "sollen" | Wortbildung -weise bei Adverbien | das Verb lassen| Verbverbindungen | Konditionalsätze | Wunschsätze |

German Vocabulary:

  • General German B2 vocabulary

  • Online shopping


  • German culture – sights, food, culture

  • German idioms – to sound more like a native German

  • Tipps on how to get rid of learning blocks

  • German quotes

  • Dictations

  • Mnemonics

  • Intermediate exam

  • Tongue twisters

  • Related words – similar and identical words in German and English to learn German vocabulary faster

  • Recommendations for useful books to learn German

  • Additional exercises/homework

  • Learn about different German dialects (Berlin, Bavaria, East Germany etc.)

  • Question marathon

  • Final exam

Who This Course Is For:
  • This course is suitable for everyone who has already reached the B1 level.

Course Content

• Level Intermediate • 41 Classes • 61 Hours

Unit 1 - Leute heute

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 1. 1 Gelebte Träume 01:30:00
Lecture 1. 2 In aller Freundschaft 01:30:00
Lecture 1. 3 Heldenhaft 01:30:00
Lecture 1. 4 Vom Glücklichsein 01:30:00
Unit 2 - Wohnwelten

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 2. 1 Eine Wohnung zum Wohlfühlen 01:30:00
Lecture 2. 2 Ohne Dach 01:30:00
Lecture 2. 3 Wie man sich bettet,... 01:30:00
Lecture 2. 4 Hotel Mama 01:30:00
Unit 3- Wie geht's denn so?

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 3. 1 Eine süße Versuchung 01:30:00
Lecture 3. 2 Frisch auf den Tisch? 01:30:00
Lecture 3. 3 Lachen is gesund 01:30:00
Lecture 3. 4 Bloß kein Stress! 01:30:00
Unit 4 - Viel Spaß!

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 4. 1 Meine Freizeiet 01:30:00
Lecture 4. 2 Spiele ohne Grenzen 01:30:00
Lecture 4. 3 Abenteuer im Paradies 01:30:00
Lecture 4. 4 Unterwegs in Zürich 01:30:00
Unit 5 - Alles will gelernt sein

4 lectures, 05:33:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 5. 1 Lebenslanges Lernen 01:03:00
Lecture 5. 2 Surfst du noch oder lernst du schon? 01:30:00
Lecture 5. 3 Können kann man lernen 01:30:00
Lecture 5. 4 Lernen und Behalten 01:30:00
Unit 6 - Berufsbilder

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 6. 1 Wünsche an den Beruf 01:30:00
Lecture 6. 2 Ideen gesucht 01:30:00
Lecture 6. 3 Darauf kommt's an 01:30:00
Lecture 6. 4 Mehr als ein Beruf 01:30:00
Unit 7 - Für immer und ewig

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 7. 1 Lebensformen 01:30:00
Lecture 7. 2 Klick dich zum Glück 01:30:00
Lecture 7. 3 Die große Liebe 01:30:00
Lecture 7. 4 Eine virtuelle Romanze 01:30:00
Unit 8 - Kaufen, kaufen, kaufen

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 8. 1 Dinge, die die Welt (nicht) braucht 01:30:00
Lecture 8. 2 Konsum heute 01:30:00
Lecture 8. 3 Die Reklamation 01:30:00
Lecture 8. 4 Kauf mich! 01:30:00
Unit 9 - Endlich Urlaub

4 lectures, 06:00:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 9. 1 Einmal um die ganze Welt 01:30:00
Lecture 9. 2 Urlaub mal anders 01:30:00
Lecture 9. 3 Ärger an den schönsten Tagen 01:30:00
Lecture 9. 4 Eine Reise nach Hamburg 01:30:00
Unit 10 - Natürlich Natur!

5 lectures, 07:30:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 10. 1 Umweltproblem Single 01:30:00
Lecture 10. 2 Tierisch tierlieb ? 01:30:00
Lecture 10. 3 Alles für die Umwelt? 01:30:00
Lecture 10. 4 Kostbares Nass 01:30:00
Lecture 10. 5 Kostbares Nass 01:30:00

The B2 level in the German language is the upper-intermediate level, where learners have a good command of the language and can communicate confidently in various situations.

At the B2 level, you will expand your vocabulary, improve your grammar skills, and develop more complex language structures. You will be able to express yourself fluently, understand detailed texts, and participate in discussions on a wide range of topics.

The time required to reach the B2 level in German can vary depending on factors such as prior language learning experience and study consistency. Generally, it takes around 400-600 hours of study to complete the B2 level.

Yes, there are online platforms and language learning websites that offer B2 German courses. These courses provide comprehensive lessons, practice exercises, and opportunities for interaction with instructors and fellow learners.

At the B2 level, you will further develop your listening comprehension, speaking fluency, reading comprehension, and writing skills in German. You will be able to engage in more complex conversations, understand authentic materials, and express yourself with greater accuracy.

Yes, the B2 level is generally considered sufficient for professional purposes such as job interviews, writing professional emails, and participating in meetings or presentations in German. However, certain professions or academic settings may require a higher level of proficiency.

Some common topics covered at the B2 level include culture, current events, social issues, literature, and professional aspects. These topics allow learners to engage in more in-depth and meaningful conversations.

Yes, the Goethe-Zertifikat B2 is an internationally recognized certificate that confirms your competence at the B2 level in German.

To practice your German skills at the B2 level, you can engage in activities such as reading German books or newspapers, watching German movies or TV shows, listening to podcasts or news in German, participating in language exchange programs, and utilizing online resources for interactive exercises and practice.

After completing the B2 level, you can progress to the C1 level, which is the advanced level. At the C1 level, you will further refine your language skills, comprehend more complex texts, engage in extended discussions, and work towards achieving a higher level of fluency and accuracy in German.

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Some of real students reviews, verify on our Google place page. Search ELS German Institute Reviews.

  1. Ram Avtar May 16 2023

    Best experience with e language studio : German Classes jaipur , Thanks Dev Sir

  2. Gajraj singh May 08 2023

    I am happy ... to say that Els provide best German language classes in jaipur.... thanks dev sir.... ????

  3. Yuvraj Singh Solanki Jun 18 2023

    Best learning istitute for german classes in jaipur and here you can make your dreams come true.Highly experienced faculty at one place for learn german class.

  4. Kritika Sharma May 20 2023

    Mr. Devkaran saini is the best german teacher, the way he use to teach german is really very easy and practical.. for beginners who wants to speak in german,must go to E Language Studio, best institution for garman language.. thanks devkaran sir.. Deutsch ist einfach:)

  5. shweta mishra May 27 2023

    Best tutor one can have...if you really want to learn the German language ..sir is the best.

  6. Ravinder Kaur Jun 20 2023

    Thank for German language classes...Devkaran sir is an excellent teacher with a very effective, structured and entertaining teaching method. He gave me solid grammatical bases and conversational skills in only three weeks. Also, he can show you and teach you the differences between spoken and written hindi, customizing the lessons according to your needs and the contest where you are more likely to use hindi, English. Now, i can speak in German with confidential so, I'm very glad and thnx to sir??

  7. Aryan Singh May 20 2023

    I've been taking classes at this language institute for several months now, and I'm amazed at how much progress I've made. The instructors are experts in their field and make learning a new language enjoyable and rewarding. The institute offers a range of courses and resources to suit any level of learner. Highly recommended!