German as a Second Language: Intermediate Course

  • Offline Batch Size
    20-40 Students
  • 94
    Students Enrolled
  • 4.10
    Reviews (32)
  • 01 Hours
    Learning Hours

About This Course

Learn the techniques to start your career as a Motion Graphic artist.

Course’s Objectives

What you'll learn
  • Make stunning motion graphics
  • Create enticing animated infographics
  • Select the appropriate video settings.
  • You'll quickly learn how to export your video.
  • You'll have the ability to make smooth animations.
  • Rendering your video for Vimeo and YouTube.
  • Create interview titles.
  • Make your motion graphics musical.
  • Video trimming and editing
  • You should watermark your video.
  • Repairing wobbly video.
  • Colorize and repair any problematic video.

After Effects must be downloaded by the students. Although the more recent CC 2015 version is advised, the older CS6 version will still function.

Course Description

You'll discover how to use Adobe After Effects to create motion graphics in this course. Everything you need to start creating stunning animation and infographics is covered in this motion graphics course.

You will receive downloadable exercise files with this course so you can follow the trainer's instructions to the letter. Additionally, each video includes finished files that you may download and compare to the trainers'.

Your instructor is a certified instructor and certified expert in Adobe After Effects. For more than 12 years, Daniel has been producing immersive infographics and motion graphics.

It takes about three hours to complete the course. To make things easier to understand, each step has been divided into independent films.

Over 15 minor projects will be created during this session to help you practise using the software. The exercises we produce can potentially be used in your personal portfolio.

On your PC, you must have Adobe After Effects installed. Direct downloads from Adobe include a 30-day free trial.

If the field of motion graphics has aroused you but you haven't started. You will excel in this introductory course.

Who This Course Is For:
  • People who wish to start making money as motion graphics designers should take this course.
  • Beginners who want to learn how to use After Effects for infographics and motion graphics should take this course.
  • No prior After Effects or animation experience is required.
  • This course is designed for total novices.
  • From nothing to hero
  • People who already have a solid understanding of After Effects should NOT take this course. This is only for newcomers.

Course Content

• Level Advanced • 12 Classes • 01 Hours

A Quick Start to Enable Your After Effects Skills

2 lectures, 00:25:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 1. 1 Getting ready to start your first animation 00:10:00
Lecture 1. 2 Dive in for beginners: Getting the Graphics 00:15:00
Working in After Effects CC: An overview of the Interface and Keyboard Shortcuts

3 lectures, 00:40:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 2. 1 After Effects Interface - Workspaces 00:10:00
Lecture 2. 2 Frames & Seconds on the Timeline 00:15:00
Lecture 2. 3 Module Quiz: Working in after effects CC 00:15:00
Animating Illustration in After Effects CC

2 lectures, 00:10:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 3. 1 Shopping Box Animation: Import into After Effects 00:05:00
Lecture 3. 2 Shopping Box Animation: Animating the illustration 00:05:00
Staring up with Speed Control

3 lectures, 00:15:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 4. 1 How to Ease your animation on a Motion Path 00:05:00
Lecture 4. 2 Controlling the speed on a motion path - Speed Graph 00:05:00
Lecture 4. 3 Module Quiz: Starting up with Speed Control 00:05:00
Start animating Shapes and Type Layers

2 lectures, 00:10:00 min

Lecture Unit Time (Minutes)
Lecture 5. 1 How to Create and Edit Text Layers 00:05:00
Lecture 5. 2 How to Create and Edit Shape Layers 00:05:00
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Ut occaecati nulla tempora cumque ipsam qui. Molestias distinctio minus doloremque facere reiciendis qui adipisci.
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